17 By Firstech, LLC
By Firstech, LLC 16
Notes for Wire Connection
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The is the data lines to interface Telematic Devices or Interface Modules.
Tach Learning Switch :
This is the small black button on the side of the brain used to program tach. Once you have found the correct wire simply press this button while the vehicle is
running and the parking light will flash once to confirm that the tach is learned. If the parking light flash three times the tach source is not valid.
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Pin #5 wire of CN1 will power the (+)2nd Starter, (+) 2nd Accessory or (+) 2nd Ignition depending on the jumper selection at JM1.
Switch #1:
This is used to set either Tach or Alternator mode. If the switch is set to the ON position the unit is set to Tach. If the switch is set to the OFF
position then the unit is set for Alternator sensing.
Switch #2 :
This is used for setting run time. If the switch is set to the OFF position then the run time is set for 15 min for gas engines or 25 min for diesel
engines. If set to the ON position then the run time is set to 25 min for gas engines or 45 min for diesel engines.
Jumper Wire :
This jumper is connected when you receive the brain. While the jumper is connected the module is set for manual transmission mode.
When installing on automatic transmissions the jumper must be cut. Please note : if a unit with a cut jumper is installed on a manual transmission
warranty will be void and Firstech will have no liability.
Switch and Jumper Setting
Installation of Antennas
Once you cut the jumper wire, you are not allowed to reconnect it.
Reconnection will completely void the warranty. A trace of reconnection of this wire will prevent you from making any claim whatsoever pertaining to the manual transmission mode.
The antennas have been calibrated for horizontal installation at the left-top corner of the windshield. Different installation may adversely affect the
transmitting distance.
Jumper Wire
Tach Sensing
Alternator Sensing
25 min run time (45 min diesel)
15 min run time (25 min diesel)
Uncut: Manual Transmission
Cut: Automatic Transmission