Figure 2.1 BW RDS2 Software Startup - Basic Configuration window
To configure the software to communicate to the BW RDS2 unit open the ‘Options’
drop down menu (Alt-O), then select the correct Serial Communications Port number
(Com1, 2, 3, 4) and set the default baud rate to 9600.
Once the communications settings are correct, click on the READ button in the bottom
right hand side of the screen. If the connection is setup correctly you will see the status
message at the bottom of the window change from
and progress
chevrons displayed.
Once this is complete the screen will be filled with information that has been read from
the RDS2 unit and the status message will change back to
. Your unit is now
correctly connected and ready for programming.
If the communications settings are not correct you will see the message “Unable to
communicate with RDS Module” (see Figure 2.4). The software application has not
been able to connect to the RDS2 unit through the serial port. Check the selected Com
port in the ‘Options’ drop down menu is correct and try again. If you continue to have
problems close down all applications, check the serial cable and port settings and re-
start the BW RDS2 software.