Inha Works Ltd. 2009
21 (31)
Diagram 8. 1) attaching points for towing, anchoring and mooring to a jetty,
(attaching point strength is 13.3 kN); 2) locking chain attaching point
(hardened steel eyelet); 3) trailer eyelet.
5.10.5 Trailer towing
The boat weight of the boat, with the engine and accumulator, is 500-520 kg. This
does not include fuel and equipment load. Before lifting your Buster boat onto a
trailer, make sure the trailer is appropriate for the boat, the support is adequate to
minimise the load at each individual point, the bow stop assembly is in a suitable
position in relation to the trailer's axle and that the trailer’s carrying capacity is
sufficient for the boat, its engine, equipment, battery, all boating accessories and the
fuel load. The maximum permitted gross weight for a trailer is given on your car
registration papers.
Remove unnecessary load and drain the bilge before lifting the boat onto the trailer.
Adjust the side supports of the trailer so that the keel supports bear most of the
weight of the boat and the side supports keep the rolling sideways. Raise the boat
onto the trailer only by utilising the towing eyelet on the prow of the boat – the other
attaching points cannot bear the weight of the boat when lifting. Fasten the boat
securely to the trailer before transportation. Protect the boat by attaching suitable
padding between the fastening straps and the hull. Check instructions related to
trailer transportation in the engine manual.