Product manual 2CKA001473B9085
The following settings are available.
[1] Changing the name.
[2] Deleting the channel.
[3] Switching of the sensor via the
[4] Change to the panel configuration.
[5] + [6] Setting the LED night/day
switch-on brightness in % via the -/+
– This parameter can be used to
specify how strong the LED
illuminates percentage-wise
during the night/day.
– Attention!
The parameter only functions
when a time profile with the
application "LED day/night
switchover" is available. The
device (channel) must be linked
with this application!
Application icon:
[7] Specifying the time the device
changes into the idle state (standby).
[8] Display of time format.
[9] Specifying the user language (if
different to the System Access
Fig. 16: Settings of list view