© 2014 Burnside Technology Ltd.
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Rev 1.1
Installing USB driver and connecting to a PC
Before connecting the terminal to a computer, please download the appropriate driver from the
Silicon Labs web site. Silicon Labs are the manufacturer of the USB communications device used in
the TX2/TX2L terminals.
Once the driver has been installed, connect the TX2 to the computer. The computer will also have to
supply power for the terminal.
If it is not convenient to have the computer permanently powering the terminal, it may be possible to
use a “Power booster cable” where the power to the terminal is supplied from the standard Burnside
USB charger. Such cables can be located on the internet. Burnside cannot vouch for the quality of
such cables or be held responsible for any damage cause by using such cables. Another alternative
is to use a powered hub. If in doubt, consult with an IT expert who specialises in hardware.
When the TX2 is connected to the PC, a virtual communications port will be created. This port should
be operated at 115200bps, no parity and one stop bit. No other baud rate can be accepted.
The command interface on the TX terminal complies with ETSI standards which enables a wide
range of communication software to work with the terminals.
If the TX2 is going to be used as an SMS gateway, it is necessary to turn off the SMS command
capability by dialling *811*0#.
To allow software that dials a modem for initiating a call via a TAPI interface, the TAPI compatibility
mode should be enabled by dialling *813*1#.