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Important information regarding BAD4M latency: 

The BAD4M uses jumpers on “JP1” (as shown on cover) to adjust 2 variables: ADC 
filter selection, high pass filter, and AVID HDIO delay matching. 

Jumper A - ADC Filter Setting:

In default mode with no jumpers set, the BAD4M uses the short delay filter 
with the classic “Burl Sound”. (Image 1) A jumper on “A” will switch to the long 

delay filter, with longer latency and a more forward mid-range. (Image 2)

Jumper B - Avid Delay Matching: 


Setting a jumper on “B” will increase latency to match the output delay of an 
Avid HDIO. This is for short filter only. (Image 3)

Jumper C - BAD4 Delay Matching: 


Setting a jumper on “C” will match the delay of the BAD4 input daughter card. 
This will work with both short and long filters. (Image 4)

Jumper D: High-pass Filter Bypass: 


Setting a jumper on “D” will bypass the high-pass filter.  (Image 5) (Not recom-

Image 2: ADC Filter Set-

ting - Jumper is set to “A”.

Image 1: Default Jumper 

Settings - No jumper set.

Image 3: Avid Delay 

Matching - Jumper is set to 

Image 4: BAD4 Delay 

Matching - Jumper is set to 

Image 5: High-pass Filter 

Bypass - Jumper is set to 
“D”. Not recommended.

Jumper Settings for “JP1”
