BULTEH 2000 Ltd.
Industrial Area 19, STARA ZAGORATel./Fax:(359 42) 6260 19, 603 449; Tel. (359 888) 714 711;
Principle diagram of connecting the four-wire residual current device
After the residual current device protection the zero and protective
conductors must not be connected anywhere between themselves;
If the cable route from the power distribution panel to the plant is long, we
recommend to install an extra electrical switchboard in the vicinity in which
to embed the residual current device;
The fitness of the residual current device protection must be periodically
checked by an authorized person or organization;
It is not recommended to use residual current devices, operation of which is
influenced by the power supply voltage;
The control unit monitors the value of the rated voltage and turns
off the plant automatically, if the supply power exceeds the exposure
Water drains system:
W&S drains system for cold drinking water should
be at a pressure of 0,3 ÷ 0,6mРa equipped with a valve to stop and drain
- hot and cold water equipment / drains system.
It is recommended that before the cold water inlet of the plant should be
mounted an additional filter. It is not allowed in the water content of solid
> 25μn.
This installation does not require a special foundation
Premises where the Plant will be installed must have equipment for washing,
cleaning and aspiration.