WLI-UC-GNM User Manual
Chapter 4 - Client Manager
Software Overview
Client Manager is utility software used to connect to an access point on the network or to verify the
connection between an access point and your computer. It is included with your AirStation.
Note: Two versions of Client Manager are included on your AirNavigator CD. Client Manager V supports Windows 7
and Vista. Client Manager 3 supports Windows XP. The installation program will install the correct version for
your operating system.
Using Client Manager V with Windows 7 and Vista
• When you install Client Manager, it will be added to your Startup folder and will automatically
launch with Windows. If Client Manager does not launch automatically, click [Start] > [All Programs
]> [BUFFALO] > [AirStation Utility] > [ClientManager V] to launch it.
• To close Client Manager, right-click on its icon in the system tray and choose [Exit].
• The appearance of the Client Manager icon varies according to its connection status:
No wireless connection.
Communicating via an access point.