Chapter 3 Connect to a Wireless Network
WLI-UC-GNM User Manual
This screen will be displayed.
Use a computer with a wired Ethernet connection to log in to the access point. The screen to
enter the PIN code will be displayed.
Note: If the access point you are trying to connect is a Buff alo AirStation, click Wireless Confi g > WPS from the
home page confi guration interface. The screen to enter the PIN code will be displayed.
On the confi guration screen of
the access point, enter the PIN
code you wrote down in step 2.
Note: If the access point you are
trying to connect is a Buff alo
AirStation, enter the PIN code in
[Enrollee PIN] and click [OK].
Your connection is complete when the message "Security setup and connection have been
completed" is displayed.