Buffalo filter PlumePen Ultra Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1





Buffalo Filter LLC 

5900 Genesee Street, Lancaster, NY 14086 

U.S. toll-free 800.343.2324 . International: +1 716.835.7000 . Fax: +1 716.835.3414 

Email: [email protected] . www.buffalofilter.com

905230 RevD    12/11/2018


Emergo Europe

Prinsessegracht 20

2514 AP The Hague

The Netherlands




Consult Symbol Glossary at www.buffalofilter.com

Federal USA law restricts this device to sale 

by or on the order of a physician.

Not made with natural rubber latex.


Getz Healthcare Pty Ltd

5 Orion Road

Lane Cove, NSW 2060


Figure 1


Open product packaging 

and remove 




 assembly. Connect 

the tubing provided with 




 to a 

surgical smoke evacuator 

or other appropriate 

vacuum source; example 

shown, (Figure 1). For 

connection and operation 

to a specific surgical smoke 

evacuator, please refer to 

the specific instructions for 

use that accompany that 

system for appropriate set-

up and use. 

Figure 2


Plug the 3-prong power 

cord into the electrosurgical 

generator of your choice, 

(Figure 2). Confirm that 

all power settings on the 

generator are appropriate 

for the procedure being 

The electrosurgical 

generator’s intensity should 

be set as low as  

is necessary to achieve the 

desired effect. 




 is a monopolar 

electrode, the use of a 

dispersive electrode is 

required to prevent burns/

injury to patient. 
Please refer to 

electrosurgical generator 

user manual and dispersive 

electrode instructions 

for use for additional 


Figure 4








CUT and COAG buttons 

located on the top of the 

electrosurgical pencil body. 

The YELLOW button is 

for cutting and the BLUE 

button is for coagulation, 

(Figure 4). 
After use, turn off smoke 

evacuation unit and 

electrosurgical generator. 

Discard the entire 







(Pencil, Blade, Tubing, and 

Power Cord) per facility 

protocol for contaminated 


Figure 5


To optimize the life of 

your smoke evacuation 

filter, it is recommended 

that a Buffalo Filter 

Surgical Smoke Plume 

Evacuator be used in 

conjunction with an 




Activation Device 

(Model EZLink01), 

(Figure 5).
The EZLink



automatically turn the 

Buffalo Filter Surgical 

Smoke Evacuator on or 

turn it off when either 

the CUT or COAG 

function is activated/

de-activated on the 





Contact Buffalo Filter



for more details on the 




Figure 6


If neccessary to 

remove blade,  



 Unplug the pencil 


. Ensure that CAM 

is in the lock position  


. Use a surgical 

clamp and pull blade 



. Replace with 

blade of choice


. Confirm that 

blade is completely 

inserted and secure 

before activating 

pencil. Never force 

the blade into the 




We do not 

recommend re-using 

the original blade after 

it has been removed.

Figure 3








 is equipped with several key features for the surgeon’s convenience. Surrounding the 

electrode blade is a translucent plastic tube that allows the blade and tube to be positioned at varying lengths 

to most effectively capture surgical smoke plume as it is created. 




Rotate the CAM locking mechanism to the unlock position. 



  Extend Capture Port / Blade to desired length. Please note Capture Port and Blade move together. 




Turn the CAM locking mechanism back to the lock position and ensure that the tube is securely locked in place.

Avoid contact with blade and buttons when adjusting the capture port. Keep the active electrodes clean. Build-up 

of eschar may reduce the instrument’s effectiveness. Do not activate the instrument while cleaning. Injury to 

operating room personnel may result.

Intended Use:






is designed for general electrosurgical applications, including cutting and coagulation, and for removing smoke generated by 

electrosurgery when used in conjunction with an effective smoke evacuation system. The pencil enables the operator to remotely conduct an electrosurgical current from 

the output connector of an electrosurgical unit to the operative site for the desired surgical effect to remove tissues and control bleeding by means of high-frequency 

electrical current. 

Indications for Use: 

a. To remove smoke plume from the surgical site.

b. To remotely conduct an electrosurgical current from the output connector of an electrosurgical unit to the target tissue for the desired surgical effect.


Surgical Smoke Evacuation Pencil


Intended for use with a maximum voltage of 10kV P-P. 

DO NOT USE in patients who have electronic implants such as cardiac pacemakers without first consulting 

a qualified professional (e.g., cardiologist). A possible hazard exists because interference with the action of 

the electronic implant may occur, or the implant may be damaged. 

Sterile unless packaging is damaged or any seal is broken. Do not use electrosurgery in the presence of flammable 

anesthetics or other flammable gases, fluids, or objects, or in the presence of oxidizing agents, as fire may result. 

When not in use, the active electrode should be placed in a clean, dry, non-conductive safety holster. Inadvertent 

contact with the patient may result in burns. Contact with drapes or linens may cause a fire. 

DO NOT activate the instrument when not in contact with target tissue, as this may cause injuries due to capacitive coupling. 


Ultra is designed and intended only to be used with an electrosurgical generator that has been tested to the 

IEC 60601 standard. Please refer to generator to ensure compatibility. PlumePen


Ultra is not a fluid removal device, 

therefore, it should not be used for such application.

ASPIRATE fluid from the area before activating the instrument. Conductive fluids (e.g., blood or saline) in direct 

contact with or in close proximity to an active electrode may carry electrical current or heat away from target tissues, which may cause 

unintended burns to the patient. 
For procedures where visualization may be impaired, be alert of these potential hazards: 
•  The electrode tip may remain hot enough to cause burns after the current has been de-activated.


Inadvertent activation or movement of the activated electrode outside of the field of vision may result in injury to the patient.

•  Localized burns to the patient or physician may result from electrical currents carried through conductive objects. Current may be 

generated in conductive objects by direct contact with the active electrode, or by the active accessory being in close proximity to the 

conductive object.

For single use only. Do not reuse, reprocess, or re-sterilize. Reuse, reprocessing, or re-sterilization may compromise the structural 

integrity of the device and/or lead to device failure which in turn may result in patient injury, illness, or death. 

Report serious incidents involving this device to Buffalo Filter at [email protected] or to your local distributor. In 

addition, European customers should also report to [email protected] and the competent authority in your member state.













Содержание PlumePen Ultra

Страница 1: ...tons when adjusting the capture port Keep the active electrodes clean Build up of eschar may reduce the instrument s effectiveness Do not activate the instrument while cleaning Injury to operating room personnel may result Intended Use PlumePen Ultra is designed for general electrosurgical applications including cutting and coagulation and for removing smoke generated by electrosurgery when used i...

Страница 2: ...der Klinge und der Tasten zu vermeiden Die aktiven Elektroden sauber halten Durch Schorfablagerungen kann sich die Wirksamkeit des Instruments verringern Bei der Reinigung das Instrument nicht aktivieren Dies kann zu Verletzungen des OP Personals führen Verwendungszweck PlumePen Ultra ist für allgemeine elektrochirurgische Anwendungen konzipiert einschließlich Schneiden und Koagulation und zur Ent...

Страница 3: ...os botones al ajustar el orificio de captura Mantenga limpios los electrodos activos La acumulación de escara puede reducir la eficacia del instrumento No active el instrumento mientras lo limpia Podría lesionar al personal del quirófano PRECAUCIÓN Diseñado para utilizarse con una tensión máxima de 10 kV P P NO UTILIZAR en pacientes con implantes electrónicos tales como marcapasos cardíacos sin co...

Страница 4: ...ture éviter tout contact avec la lame et les boutons Maintenir les électrodes actives propres L accumulation d escarres peut réduire l efficacité de l instrument Ne pas activer l instrument lors du nettoyage Cela pourrait blesser le personnel du bloc MISE EN GARDE Conçu pour une utilisation à une tension maximale de 10 kV C C NE PAS UTILISER chez des patients équipés d implants électroniques comme...

Страница 5: ...li elettrodi attivi L accumulo di escara può ridurre l efficacia dello strumento Non attivare lo strumento durante la pulizia Ciò può causare lesioni al personale di sala operatoria ATTENZIONE Destinato all uso con una tensione massima di 10 kV P P NON USARE in pazienti portatori di dispositivi elettronici impiantati come pacemaker cardiaci senza prima aver consultato un medico specialista qualifi...

Страница 6: ...korpedannelse kan reducere instrumentets effektivitet Aktiver ikke instrumentet under rengøring Det kan resultere i skader på operationspersonalet ORSIGTIG Beregnet til brug med en maksimal spænding på 10 kV P P ANVEND IKKE til patienter med elektroniske implantater såsom hjertepacemakere uden først at konsultere en kvalificeret specialist f eks en kardiolog Der er en potentiel risiko idet der kan...

Страница 7: ...tieve elektroden schoon Korstvorming kan de effectiviteit van het instrument verminderen Activeer het instrument niet tijdens het reinigen Dit kan leiden tot letsel bij het operatiekamerpersoneel LET OP Bedoeld om te worden gebruikt met een maximale spanning van 10 kV P P NIET GEBRUIKEN VOOR patiënten met elektronische implantaten zoals pacemakers zonder van te voren een gediplomeerd medicus te ra...

Страница 8: ...ja painikkeita kun säädät poistoaukkoa Pidä aktiiviset elektrodit puhtaina Karstan kerääntyminen voi heikentää instrumentin tehokkuutta Instrumenttia ei saa aktivoida puhdistuksen aikana Leikkaussalihenkilökunta saattaa muutoin saada vammoja HUOMIO Tarkoitettu käytettäväksi 10 kV n huipusta huippuun EI SAA KÄYTTÄÄ potilailla joilla on elektronisia implantteja kuten sydämen tahdistimia kysymättä en...

Страница 9: ...ina e os botões quando ajustar a porta de captura Mantenha os elétrodos ativos limpos O desenvolvimento de escaras pode reduzir a eficácia do instrumento Não ative o instrumento durante a limpeza Pode resultar em ferimentos no pessoal do bloco operatório CUIDADO Destina se a utilização com uma tensão máxima de 10 kV P P NÃO UTILIZE em pacientes com implantes eletrónicos tais como pacemakers cardía...

Страница 10: ...sporten Hold de aktive elektrodene rene Oppbygging av eschar kan redusere instrumentets effektivitet Instrumentet skal ikke aktiveres under rengjøring Det kan oppstå skade på driftsrompersonnel OBS Ment for bruk med maksimumspenning på 10 kV P P SKAL IKKE BRUKES på pasienter som har elektroniske implantater som pacemakere uten først å konsultere en kvalifisert fagperson f eks kardiolog Det forelig...

Страница 11: ...ktroderna rena Uppbyggnad av sårskorpa kan minska instrumentets effektivitet Slå inte på instrumentet under rengöring Detta kan leda till skada på operationspersonalen FÖRSIKTIGHET Avsedd att användas med en högsta spänning på 10 kV P P FÅR INTE ANVÄNDAS på patienter som har elektroniska implantat som hjärtpacemakrar utan att man först rådgör med utbildad läkare dvs en kardiolog Det finns en möjli...

Страница 12: ...ivní elektrody udržujte čisté Tvorba příškvarů může snížit účinnost nástroje V průběhu čištění přístroj nezapínejte Mohlo by dojít k poranění pracovníků v místnosti UPOZORNĚNÍ Zamýšleno pro použití s maximálním napětím 10 kV P P NEPOUŽÍVEJTE u pacientů kteří mají elektronické implantáty například kardiostimulátor pokud se předem neporadíte s kvalifikovaným specialistou např kardiologem Existuje ne...

Страница 13: ...mywać w czystości Stworzony strup może obniżyć skuteczność instrumentów Nie wyłączać instrumentu w trakcie czyszczenia Może to spowodować obrażenia personelu przebywającego w sali operacyjnej PRZESTROGA Do stosowania z maksymalnym napięciem 10kV P P NIE STOSOWAĆ u pacjentów z wszczepionymi implantami elektronicznymi takimi jak stymulator serca bez konsultacji z wykwalifikowanym specjalistą np kard...

Страница 14: ...emas etmekten kaçının Aktif elektrotları temiz tutun Yara kabuğunun oluşması enstrümanın etkinliğini azaltabilir Temizlik sırasında enstrümanı çalıştırmayın Ameliyathane personeli yaralanabilir DİKKAT Maksimum 10 kV P P voltajla kullanım içindir Kalp pili gibi elektronik implantları olan hastalarda ilk önce eğitimli bir profesyonele örn kardiyolog danışmadan KULLANMAYIN Elektronik implantın çalışm...

Страница 15: ...のために 取り外したブレード の再利用は推奨され ません 図 3 3a PlumePen Ultraには 外科医の利便性のためにいくつかの重要な機能が搭載されいます 電極ブレードの 周辺にある半透明のプラスチックチューブは 最も効果的に外科的煙プルームを捕えるように作られており ブ レードとチューブを様々な長さに位置できます 3b CAMロック機構をロック解除位置まで回します 3c キャプチャーポートとブレードを希望する長さまで伸ばします キャプチャーポートとブレードは同時に動 きます 3d CAMロック機構をロック位置に戻し チューブがしっかりと固定されていることを確認します キャプチャ ーポートの調整中は ブレードおよびボタンに接触しないようにしてください アクティブ電極を清潔な状態に保ってください 焼痂の 蓄積は 器具の有効性を低減させる可能性があります クリーニング中は器具の出力を...

Страница 16: ...片 6a 拔去排烟笔的电源 6b 确保 CAM 处于锁 定位置 6c 使用手术钳并向前 拉动电极片 6d 使用您所选择的电 极片进行替换 6e 在开启本排烟笔之 前请确认电极片已完 全 牢固插入本排烟 笔 切勿将电极片强 行插入本排烟笔 警告 我们不建议在 移除原始电极片后重 新使用该电极片 图 3 3a 为了便于外科医生使用 PlumePen Ultra 配备了几个关键功能 电极片周围是一个半透明塑料管 可允许将 电极片和管筒置放于不同长度以便在手术烟流生成时最有效地将其捕获 3b 将 CAM 锁定机构旋转到解锁位置 3c 将捕捉接口 电极片延伸到所需长度 请注意 捕捉接口和电极片一同移动 3d 将 CAM 锁定机构转回锁定位置 并确保管筒牢固锁定到位 调整捕捉接口时 请避免接触电极片和按钮 保 持有源电极清洁 焦痂的积聚可能降低器械的效果 在清洁时切勿启动器械 否则可能导致手术室人员受...
