GB312 Seriess
Natural Gas Condensing Boiler
Logamatic Control
Optional integrated multi-boiler system
controller with the following features and
control modules:
Control of modulating burners for up to
8 boilers with 4323 control
Automatic and load/switch
dependent burner rotation
Operation of boiler pumps, 2, 3, or
4-way valves and system pumps
Capable of DHW and other external
on-demand loads
Self diagnostics and system
parameter display
Complete Your System
Once you have a Buderus boiler, you can add a Buderus indirect fired hot water
tank, or an optional Buderus control — or both. In addition to maximizing comfort
and fuel savings, optional Logamatic control will accommodate specialized heating
applications such as radiant flooring or multiple boilers. Multiple design innovations
increase the versatility of Buderus Logamatic controls. A Buderus boiler combined
with a Logamatic control produces a premium heating system that will provide years
of exceptional comfort and economy.
Buderus Controls
MC10 control assembly with BC10 controller
AM10 included for single boiler installations
MCM10 (cascade module) for 4 boiler installations
4000 series controls
Accommodates single or multiple boiler installations
Can be interfaced to a building management system via
LonWorks Gateway
Modular construction allows for ease of field configuration and
flexibility of installation
The Convenience of a Logamatic Control
In addition to manual adjustments, Logamatic controls can be programmed for
automatic night and day functions and set to trigger automatic adjustments based
on outdoor or indoor temperature shifts. This includes adjustment by time, date,
or temperature between various modes of operation. All Logamatic controls
now include summer, winter and vacation modes to efficiently regulate energy
consumption. An optional module is available that enables direct communication
with building management systems.
Multiple or Single Boiler Control with
the 4000 Series
Logamatic controls can be used to
adjust the firing rates of burners in
multi-boiler systems. The Logamatic
control maintains precise control of
system temperature to match load
requirements, providing maximum
system efficiency. This regulation
is effective in single or multi-boiler
systems, with any heat source, and
in accordance with one or multiple
heating zones.