RF transmitter must be installed in you marker.
The Rip-Clip will automatically switch to RF Mode when a signal is
received from your marker. If no signal is received the loader will acti-
vate with sound. It is recommended that you test that the Rip Clip is
receiving the RF signal, by turning the eyes of on a de-gassed marker
and check that the Rip-Clip spins for each marker solenoid activation.
In RF mode, you can switch back to Sound Mode by pushing the
power button one time and the LED will change from a double flash-
ing green LED to a single flashing green LED. If the power button is
pushed 3 times in a row within 10 seconds after the loader is turned
on it will lock into sound mode until the loader is turned off.
Synchronizing Loader to your Marker
It is recommended that you synchronize your loader to your marker
for optimal performance when using RF Mode. Also, synchronizing
your loader will prevent other RF signals from interfering with your sig-
nal. It is possible to synchronize two markers with the Empire RF
Transmitter to your TM Series Rip Clip Loader.
1) Make sure your marker is degassed and unloaded.
2) Turn your marker on with the eyes turned off. Read your markers man-
ual for eye operation if you are having problems turning them off.
3) Turn on the TM Series Rip Clip Loader
4) Press power button and hold in until the solid red LED turns
to orange.
5) Release power button and while the orange LED is lit, pull the trig-
ger on your marker. This must be done within 2 seconds of the LED
changing to orange.
6) If done correctly the LED will change from orange to green if a sig-
nal is received from your marker. You are now ready to use your TM
Series Rip Clip Loader in RF Mode.
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