Go online and load the design to the Contrio controller.
The controller will now be unlocked.
LED Maximum Brightness
There are 4 selectable brightness levels for a Contrio controller, they are: LED
Maximum Brightness 1 (dim) to 4 (bright). These values can be changed in
the controller's Default Control Panel, which is accessed by right-clicking on
the controller from the main view in Audio Architect and selecting the 'Default
Control Panel' option. Here are a few things to note about LED functionality
and the Maximum Brightness parameter:
• Disabled controls, such as unavailable channels on a source selector,
will be unlit.
• Inactive but selectable controls will be unlit (e.g., where a controlled
parameter has gone offline).
• Active or selected controls will be shown using the currently selected
'LED Maximum Brightness' setting.
• In most cases, it is recommended that a high Maximum Brightness
setting be used (e.g., 4), as this will allow a higher contrast between
active and inactive LED states.
Technical Specifications
Maximum network cable length:
328 feet (100 meters)
Power consumption:
300mA max at 48VDC
Recommended Ethernet cable wiring:
VW-1 Rated, 48VDC, 13W