506 01 2303 01
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Defrost Speedup Functions —
The DFB permits the servicer to speed-up the defrost
cycle. There are two speed-up sequences: relative
speed-up and an immediate forced defrost. Speed-up
sequences are initiated by shorting jumper wires JMP17
and JMP18 together (see Fig. 25); use a straight-edge
Shorting the jumpers for a period of 1 to 3 secs reduces
the defrost timer periods by a factor of 0.1 sec/minute.
(For example, the 90 min run period is reduced to 9 secs.)
The DFB will step the unit through a Heating cycle and a
Defrost cycle using these reduced time periods. This mode
ends after the Defrost cycle.
Shorting the jumpers for a period of 5 to 20 secs bypasses
the remaining continuous run period and places the unit in
a Forced Defrost mode. If the DFT is closed when this
mode is initiated, the unit will complete a normal defrost
period that will terminate when the DFT opens or the 10
minute defrost cycle limit is reached. If the DFT is open
when this mode is initiated, the Defrost cycle will run for
30 secs. Both modes end at the end of the Defrost cycle.
For CHS072 units,
position the DFT
on the Vapor Stub
as shown.
For CHS091 units,
position the DFT
on the Vapor Stub
(second from top)
as shown.
For CHS121 units,
position the DFT
on the Vapor Stub
(second from top)
as shown.
Fig. 27 -- DFT Mounting Locations (Per Model)