Troubleshoo ng
Solu on
Irrita on of the oral cavity
Stop wearing your b2go un l the irrita on has subsided. Or try
wearing the b2go on your other jaw. If the irrita on persists,
consult your den st.
In the morning a er wearing the b2go,
you have the sensa on “that your
teeth do not
t together”
This sensa on can occur in the morning, but normally disap-
pears a er a short me. If it persists, consult your den st.
Allergic reac on
Stop wearing your b2go and consult your den st.
Uncomfortable feeling while wear-
foreign body sensa on
You should have got used to your b2go a er a few nights. If you
are using a dental splint for the
rst me, this may take a li le
Excessive saliva on or dry mouth
You should have got used to your b2go a er a few nights. If you
are using a dental splint for the
rst me, this may take a li le
Waking up due to the biofeedback
from the b2go
Pa ents who are very light sleepers may be woken at the mo-
ment of clenching or grinding. The body is then aware that you
have been clenching/grinding. The body registers this and you
will clench/grind less in the future. You should have got used to
your b2go a er a few nights.
The b2go falls out.
As the b2go is a standard size, it is normal for the dental splint
to fall out of the mouth occasionally. However, the bruXane ef-
fect can have an impact a er just a few hours of wearing it. The
b2go can also be be er adapted to your own jaw shape using
exible link, as described in the “Before Ini al Use” chapter.
FAQs and Further Informa on
You will
nd the latest ques ons and answers on our website: h ps://www.bruxane.de/support/user/