Seite 11 von 11
Other important CAN-signals
Activ high
sets AMP_PIN17 to (+12V)
= 4A (120ms)
= 200mA
Activ high, device starts to work (if there is no error).
Information if the device is ready or not.
Information if the device is running or not.
[BDC_Warning] & [BDC_Error]:
Information if the device has been set a warning or an error or not.
Information if the UHS_MIN-regulator is active.
Information if the UHS_MAX-regulator is active
Information if the IHS_MIN-regulator is active.
Information if the IHS_MAX-regulator is active.
Information if the ULS_MIN-regulator is active.
Information if the ULS_MAX-regulator is active.
Information if the ILS_MIN-regulator is active.
Information if the ILS_MAX-regulator is active.
Information about the actual low side current value.
Information about the actual high side current value.
Information about the actual low side voltage value.
Information about the actual high side voltage value.
Derating current.
Maximum measured transformer or choke temperature.
[BDC_ULS_act_red] & [BDC_UHS_act_red]:
Redundant low-side- and high-side-voltage measurement.