Offline Operation
Rev. F
Scanning Probe Microscope Training Notebook
Figure 18.2a
Cross-Sectional Measurement on a DVD Replica Disk
A cross-sectional line can be drawn across any part of the image, and the vertical profile along that
line is displayed. The Cursor menu located at the top of the Display monitor provides the ability to
draw a fixed, moving, or averaged cross section.
Up to three pairs of cursors may be placed on the line section at any point to make horizontal,
vertical, and angular measurements. These measurements are reported in the box at the lower right
of the screen. Cursors may be added or deleted with the Marker menu located at the top of the
Display monitor. The measurements are displayed in the same colors as the corresponding markers.
The power spectrum (fast Fourier transform (FFT)) along the cross section is displayed in the lower
center window. The cursor may be used to determine the predominate periodicities along the cross
section by placing it at peaks in the spectrum.
The roughness measurements of the portion of the cross section between the two colored cursors
are displayed in the window in the upper right.
Roughness measurements can be performed over an entire image or a selected portion of the image
Figure 18.2b
Roughness Measurements on Epitaxial SiGe Image Showing Growth Defects