4. Printing Directly from Applications
. Setting the Printer Driver Condition
RGB-255 (paper color) is transparent with no ink printed. When there are some spots in RGB=255 color in a photo, e.g. those
spots will never be printed. Set RGB=254 white for white image. As for the operations for each application, see "4-2. Setting
the Applications’ Print Condition" or application help.
Set the printer driver condition following the procedure below.
(1) Select [ File ] > [ Print ] menu of the graphic application.
The Print window appears.
(2) Select "Brother GT-782" for the printer, and then click "Properties ... ".
The following window appears: make the necessary settings, and then click “OK”.
The following items can be set in this window.
"Rollover help" indicates in the bottom of the dialog. Move the pointer on the menu. The information can be seen with GT
File Viewer when you use Brother GT-782 FileOutput Printer Driver to make ARP file. See the following pages for details.