Issue 7
Fall 2009
The most important parts to maintain properly in the GT-541 are the four
Print Heads. The printer performs a self-cleaning of the print heads when it
is powered on, and also after a specified amount of prints (Initial setting is
after 24 prints). This is done in order to maintain a high print quality. But to
help ensure a good quality print, the area surrounding the print heads will
have to be cleaned on a regular basis. Mist from the ink being sprayed may
cause dust and lint to build around maintenance unit parts, and cause poor
print quality. The Wiper Cleaner Cassette should be checked once a week
before turning on the printer and examined for excess liquid (ink) in the
white wiper cleaner, and for wear of the cleaner. The wiper blade should
be examined at this time as well.
The image above shows the checkpoints that should be part of a monthly
maintenance schedule. If the black ink is cartridge is changed more often
than every thirty days, the maintenance should be performed whenever
the black ink cartridge is changed.
Wiper Cleaner and Wiper Cleaner Cassette
It is very important that the “Wiper Cleaner” is able to absorb ink when
the wiper edge rubs against the cleaner during the wiper arm movement.
The wiper blade is cleaned as the surface of the wiper passes across the
cleaner. This action removes excess ink from the edge of the wiper blade.
This creates a clean wiper, and enables the wiper to clean surface of the
print head nozzles. The cleaner will eventually become oversaturated and
therefore be unable to clean the wiper. This will render the wiper unable
to clean the surface of the print head nozzles, and poor print quality will
result. The wiper cleaner should be examined weekly, and likely changed
A new black ink cartridge box contains a cap/wiper cleaner kit. This kit
includes four swabs, a container of wash solution, a set of plastic gloves,
and a new wiper cleaner. The kit can be order through the PAS division
(877-850-7179). The cap/wiper cleaner kit part number is SA5774001.
Refer to the Maintenance section in the Basic Operation Manual or In-
struction Manual, located in the Brother GT Tools program on your com-
puter. The manual will provide “step by step” instructions explaining how
to change the wiper cleaner in the cassette.
Monthly Check Points
(continued on page 8)