© 2018 BROSA AG, Tettnang, Germany
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0656 FlexLim (Safe) system V1.00
The system returns to the overview. Check that the displayed values are correct
and then press "ESC" to return to channel selection (2.2).
Note: The minimum and maximum values for the signal form the absolute limit
values for the analogue output.
Example: For an analogue output configured as follows:
Min: 2.0t = 4.0mA
Max: 10.0t = 20.0mA
No signal greater than 20mA and less than 4mA can be supplied even if the
input exceeds 10t or falls below 2t.
5.1.5 Constants (2)
Select the constant to be changed. Only the constants that are actually used
in the program are offered for selection.
Analogue output n
Min: X.Xbar = X.XmA
Max:XX.Xbar = XX.XmA
Constants (2)
0. Constant (2) 0
1. Constant (2) 1
2. Constant (2) 2
3. Constant (2) 3
4. Constant (2) 4
5. Constant (2) 5
6. Constant (2) 6
9. Constant (2) 9