This warranty does not apply to: a) damage caused by failure to follow instructions
relating to product’s use or the installation of components; b) damage caused by accident,
abuse, misuse, fire, floods, earthquake or other external causes; c) damage caused by
service performed by anyone who is not a representative of Brookstone; d) accessories
used in conjunction with a covered product; e) a product or part that has been modified to
alter functionality or capability; f) items intended to be periodically replaced by the purchaser
during the normal life of the product including, without limitation, batteries or light bulbs;
g) any product sold “as is” including, without limitation, floor demonstration models and
refurbished items; or h) a product that is used commercially or for a commercial purpose .
BrookStone Shall not Be liaBle For inCidental or ConSeQuential
damageS reSulting From the uSe oF thiS ProduCt, or ariSing
out oF any BreaCh oF thiS warranty. to the eXtent Permitted By
aPPliCaBle law, BrookStone diSClaimS any and all Statutory or
imPlied warrantieS, inCluding, without limitation, warrantieS oF
merChantaBility, FitneSS For a PartiCular PurPoSe and warrantieS
againSt hidden or latent deFeCtS. iF BrookStone Cannot lawFully
diSClaim Statutory or imPlied warrantieS, then to the eXtent
Permitted By law, all SuCh warrantieS Shall Be limited in duration
to the duration oF thiS eXPreSS warranty.
Some states disallow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or
how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to
you . This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which
vary from state to state .