MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
This Glossary provides a list of common terms and acronyms used in this document
and their definitions.
Abort Command:
A command to the product which causes any action in progress to halt,
and resets any error condition. The product is left unreferenced after an
abort command.
Absolute Coordinates:
The distance from Home (the reference position) in millimeters or
degrees as appropriate.
For a robot this is the location of the arm along the three axes, R (radial),
T (rotational) and Z (vertical).
For an elevator this is the location of the platform along Z (vertical), and
depending upon the options installed along R (radial).
Action Commands:
All commands that cause the product to execute physical actions.
A device used to ensure the proper centering and alignment of a wafer.
Mechanical contact aligners use pins or other fixtures to ensure proper
wafer position by mechanically moving a wafer placed into them. Non-
contact aligners scan the wafer and pass information regarding the
wafer’s position to the host controller, which then directs the system
wafer handler on how to pick up the wafer to ensure that it will be prop-
erly positioned.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An assignment
of alphanumeric characters to 8-bit data byte values. Used by many
communication protocols, including RS-232, which is used to control
the VCE 5.
Assign Commands:
All commands that both set a parameter in RAM and EEPROM.
The average pressure exerted on the earth’s surface.
Backing Pump:
The mechanical pump used to discharge gases at atmospheric pressure