Message Displays/Operator Panels
Parallel Interface UCT-30/31/35
+45 46 74 00 00
+45 46 75 73 36
E-mail: [email protected]
United Kingdom:
+44 (0) 20 8546 4283
+44 (0) 20 8547 3628
E-mail: [email protected]
+49 0208 46954-0
+49 0208 46954-50
E-mail: [email protected]
3.4.2 16 Variable Digits ( Switch 2: On).
Using the function ìFUN 147-25î in the Idec Izumi
PLC, makes it possible to load variable va-lues to
16 digits. The values are loaded digit by digit.
In message number 5, values are
8 7654 3210
0 1010 0101
Message no. 5 is selected
0 0000 0000
Input function is changed to
loading of variables.
Values can now be loaded in 4
sequences, each sequence
loading 4 digit values.
First sequence:
0 DCBA 1110
Digit value DCBA is loaded
to digit no. 1. The function
ìFUN 147-25î automatically
loads 4 digit values.
The value is internally loaded
when the digit number is
changed i.e at the end of the
signal flank. To ensure correct
data loading, the digit value
must therefore never change
before the digit number.
0 DCBA 1101
Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 2.
0 DCBA 1011
Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 3.
0 DCBA 0111
Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 4.
Second sequence:
0 DCBA 1110
Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 5. The function
ìFUN 147-25î automatically
loads the next 4 digit values.
0 DCBA 1101
Digit value DCBA loaded to
digit no. 6.
0 DCBA 1011
Digit value DCBA loaded to
digit no. 7.
0 DCBA 0111
Digit value DCBA loaded to
digit no. 8.
- ----
- ----
0 DCBA 1011
Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 15.
0 DCBA 0111 Digit value DCBA is loaded to
digit no. 0.
0 1010 0101
Message no. 5 is displayed
with updated values.
ì1î indicates activated input.
A programme example for the Idec Izumi PLC is
delivered on request.
1) As the function ìFUN 147-25î only handles 4
digits, the variables are grouped in 4 groups.
The order in which the values are internally loaded
Group 1: Digit number 1, 2, 3, 4,
Group 2: Digit number 5, 6, 7, 8
Group 3: Digit number 9, 10, 11, 12,
Group 4: Digit number 13, 14, 15, 0.
2) Digit values stays unchanged until new values
are loaded. If no values have been loaded, after the
display is connected to supply voltage, the variable
digits will be displayed blanked.
3) To ensure a correct print out of variables (only
UCT-31P/35P), the variable digits must be loaded
before the printer delay has elapsed (selectable
0.5/1.5s on code switch, see section 6.0).