Broadcom BCM943364WCD1 C-SDK Setup Guide (v 1.0)
Connect to the device via serial to view its console log output. This is especially useful for
debugging and troubleshooting purposes. This can be done from either Linux or Windows.
From a Linux machine, you may use the “screen” command when the device is connected and recognized
via serial USB. This guide will cover the procedure for viewing the serial output via Windows, and not Linux.
From Windows, and on the host operating system, use a client such as PuTTY. The device will first need to
be connected to the host operating system and the virtual machine may need to be shut down.
The drivers for the WICED device will need to be installed on the Windows machine. From the links at
, download the
Windows .exe executable and install the IDE program when finished. Drivers for the device will be installed
along with the IDE.
At this point, the presence of the WICED device should be recognized as connected to a COM port in
Windows. Re-connect the device if you do not see it, and, if necessary, restart your computer.