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WebSwitch Installation and Operation Manual
Section 3: Operation
WebSwitchTM can be operated by using a web browser, or web-enabled mobile
3.1 Browser Operation
Once the unit is set up, the control page may be accessed by typing the following
URL into the web browser: (Note that if the IP address was
changed, replace the default IP address shown with the new address that was
assigned. Note also that if any port is used other than port 80, the port must also be
included in the request: ) The new control page will
appear. A control page is shown below. Note that in the example control page
shown, Out 1 is configured for “manual” reboot mode and Out 2 is configured for
“Automatic” reboot mode.
Out 1 & Out 2 Description:
A brief user description of the output (or device being controlled) and the output
state may be displayed on the control page. It is recommended that in
setup, appropriate labels be used that best represent the device being controlled.
ON/OFF Buttons:
These buttons are available only when the ‘On/Off Buttons’ field in the ‘Control
Page Setup’ is set to Yes. These buttons will turn the power to the device connected
to the corresponding output on and off.
Reboot Button:
This button may be included on the control page (as specified in the setup). When
the user presses this button,
will power the device off which is con-
nected to corresponding output for the time specified in Reboot Pulse Time and then
turn the power to the device back on.
Reboot State - This field provides important information about the current status of
the automatic reboot controller. Each state is described below.