A016 GB Issue 02
14 Troubleshooting
Poor hatching results are frustrating and can be caused by a large number of factors. The most common
are given below. Brinsea Products will not be held responsible for loss of eggs or chicks under any
circumstances. However we will try to advise on incubation technique to improve results where
Gather as much information from the hatching results as possible to enable the problem to be analysed in
detail. Record dates that eggs are set, incubator settings, dates of hatches, weight losses and the number
and condition of hatchlings. Candle or break open unhatched eggs to estimate the extent of embryo
development. The Brinsea Cool-Lume or Egg-Lume candling lamps are available from your dealer.
1) Clear when candled - probably infertile (or very early death)
when candled at 8 days
2) Fertile with red blood vessels - after 8 days
3) Red or black staining - early death when candled at 8 days
4) Embryo with red blood ‘ring’ - early death when candled at 8 days
5) Dark outline with ill defined detail - late death (10-16 days)
6) Live embryo with bill in air sack - due to hatch in 24-48 hours
7) Normal development of the air pocket according to number of days
General guides:
Observation Likely
No chicks hatch
Infertility, infection, drastically
incorrect incubation settings,
parent ill health.
Check egg viability – are similar eggs
hatching naturally. Disinfect the
incubator. Check incubator settings and
procedures – particularly temperature.
Chicks hatch earlier than
expected, deformities.
Incubation temperature too high
Reduce incubation temperature slightly
0.5°C (1°F)
Chicks hatch later than
Incubation temperature too low
Raise incubation temperature slightly
0.5°C (1°F)
Hatch dates widely spread
Different rates of development
due to different storage times,
incubation temperature
Limit egg storage times. Check for
incubation temperature variation –
sunlight, large room variation etc.
Late stage ‘death in shell’
Incorrect humidity, probably
too high.
Try reducing average humidity levels
(but see section 8 above)
Generally poor results
Incorrect incubation settings,
poor parent bird health,
inadequate egg turning,
Improve parent bird health, check all
incubation settings, analyse egg weight
loss to confirm humidity correct, check
turning working correctly.
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