1. Lift the corner of the electrode and gently remove it from the
2. It may be helpful to improve repeated electrode application by
spreading a few drops of cold water over the adhesive side and
turn the surface up to air dry. Over saturation with water will
reduce the adhesive properties.
3. Between uses, place the electrodes back onto the protective
sleeve and insert them into the re-sealable bag and store in a
cool dry place.
1. Do not pull on the electrode wire. Doing so may damage the
wire and electrode.
2. The electrodes should be discarded when they are no longer
adhering to the skin.
5.4 Cleaning the Electrode’s Cords
Clean the electrode cords by wiping them with a damp cloth.
Coating then lightly with talcum powder will reduce tangles and
prolong their life.
5.5 Maintenance
1. Maintenance and all repairs should only be carried out by an
authorized agency. The manufacturer will not be held responsi-
ble for the results of maintenance or repairs by unauthorized
2. The user must not attempt any repairs to the device or
accessories. Please contact the seller if you have any problems.
3. Opening of the equipment by unauthorized agencies is not
allowed and will terminate any claim to warranty.
4. Check the unit before each use for signs of wear and/or
damage. Replace worn items as required.