DMX Continued
The table above assumes a DMX start channel setting of 1.
DMX channels (1-30) are the output color for each drum. These are only used when the color
control DMX channel (41-50) are set above 128 and DMX is enabled.
DMX channels (31-40) are used to control the trigger input for each of the DMX enabled
outputs. Setting these to a value above 128 will turn on the trigger input and disable the DMX
output to that channel but will enabled constant color output from DMX channels (51-80).
DMX channels (41-50) are used to control where each channels color is read from while the
trigger control channel is above 128. Setting these to a value lower than 128 will cause that
channel to read its color settings from memory. Setting these to a value above 128 will cause
that channel to read its color settings from the current DMX values (DMX channels 1-30)
corresponding to that channel. When this setting is enabled, the color settings for each channel
are actually written to working memory for that channel.
What these settings allow you to do is put the drummer into trigger mode and change the color
in real time while he plays. What you cannot control is the input sensitivity and the fade
time/control for each channel. These features are only adjustable from the Tour-10 control
DMX channels (51-80) allow you to have a constant background color which can be in contrast
to the strike color. These channels are automatically in use whenever DMX is enabled on the
controller. An example of its use would be to have the drums constantly lit blue and then flash
white when hit. All of these colors are controllable from the DMX channels they follow.
You also have to remember that if you turn on Color control for a channel and then
blackout your lights, nothing will light up when the triggers fire because each channels settings
will be at zero. It would be better to set a fixed color for that channel in DMX and then shut off
the corresponding DMX color control channel before blacking out since this will set that
channel at that color.