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BrickHouse Security User’s Guide
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BrickHouse Security User’s Guide
Computer if you are using Windows XP, or Computer if using
Windows Vista or Windows 7. The device should be listed as a
Removable Drive under the Devices with Removable Storage
section. Open that drive, which will contain a folder called
DCIM. This folder will contain all your recorded files.
Changing Time/Date Stamp
To update a time/date stamp, create a .txt file named TIME,
with information in the following
Resolution Key:
1 = 640 x 480
2 = 720 x 480
3 = 1280 x 720
2011.02.01 13:00:00 Y1 would be February 1st, 2011 at 1:00
pm 640 x 480
2011.04.20 16:30:00 Y2 would be March 20th, 2011 at 4:30
pm 1280 x 720