Care, cleaning and storage
to CleAN tHe exterIor
The outside of the kettle should be wiped with a
damp cloth and polished with a soft, dry cloth.
Do not use chemicals, steel wool or abrasive cleaners
to clean the inside or outside of the kettle.
Ensure the kettle is switched off, cleaned and
dried before storing. Ensure that the lid is closed
and locked securely into place. Wrap the power
cord around the cord storage under the power
base. Stand the kettle upright on the power base.
Do not store anything on top.
WArNINg: Never ImmerSe tHe
kettle BASe, SWItCH AreA, poWer
BASe, poWer Cord or poWer plug
IN WAter, or AlloW moISture to
Come INto CoNtACt WItH tHeSe