Operating the STAP
#initprs=1001 (average pressure during initialization)
#inittmp=20.6 (average temperature during initialization)
#YY/MM/DD HR:MN:SC invmm_r invmm_g invmm_b red_smp red_ref grn_smp grn_ref
blu_smp blu_ref blk_smp blk_ref smp_flw smp_tmp smp_prs pump_pw psvolts err_rpt
cntdown fltstat flow_sp intervl stapctl (data column header labels)
Data File Column Definitions
Below the header data in each data file, the numeric data is stored in columns as follows:
1. YY/MM/DD: Year, Month, Day
2. HR:MN:SC: Hour, Minute, Second
3. invmm_r: Absorption coefficient, red (1/Mm)
4. invmm_g: Absorption coefficient, green (1/Mm)
5. invmm_b: Absorption coefficient, blue (1/Mm)
6. red_smp: Raw intensity, red sample
7. red_ref: Raw intensity, red reference
8. grn_smp: Raw intensity, green sample
9. grn_ref: Raw intensity, green reference
10. blu_smp: Raw intensity, blue sample
11. blu_ref: Raw intensity, blue reference
12. blk_smp: Black intensity, sample
13. blk_ref: Black intensity, reference
14. smp_flw: Sample flow measured (lpm)
15. smp_tmp: Sample temperature measured (deg C)
16. smp_prs: Sample pressure measured (mb)
17. pump_pw: Pump power (0-255)
STAP 9406
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