Operating the STAP
The absorption coefficient is calculated using the analysis in ”Comment on ’Calibra-
tion and Intercomparison of Filter-Based Measurements of Visible Light Absorption by
Aerosols’” by John A. Ogren 2010. Sigma(abs)=f(Tr)*Sigma(0)-s*Sigma(scat): s = 0.02+/-
0.02. A sample file header is listed below, the text in parentheses next to each item is not
in the header but only shown to describe the parameter.
The header of each data file is defined by the lines with the ”#” character as follows:
#STAP Serial Number:98 (serial number of the unit)
#firmware:6.0 (version of the firmware installed on the EEPROM)
#mfg_date:18/3/23 (manufacture date, YY,MM,DD)
# (blank line)
#flt_typ=1 (filter material type, 0=Pall, 1=Azumi, 2=Emfab)
#flow_c2=-18153 (quadratic term in sample flow cal eqn)
#flow_c1= 2025 (linear term in sample flow cal eqn)
#flow_c0=-1620 (constant term in sample flow cal eqn)
#flwcalt=21.0 (temperature in degrees C at which sample LFE was calibrated)
#prsslop=3159 (slope of the total pressure sensor calibration equation)
#prsoffs=129 (offset of the total pressure sensor calibration equation)
#vltslop=401 (slope of the input power voltage calibration equation)
#vltoffs=1144 (offset of the input power voltage calibration equation)
# (blank line)
#redsmpi=810532 (initial red intensity reading in counts of the sample channel)
#redrefi=1022272 (initial red intensity reading in counts of the reference channel)
#grnsmpi=635457 (initial green intensity reading in counts of the sample channel)
#grnrefi=797826 (initial green intensity reading in counts of the reference channel)
#blusmpi=720904 (initial blue intensity reading in counts of the sample channel)
#blurefi=907378 (initial blue intensity reading in counts of the reference channel)
#blksmpi=8063 (initial black intensity reading in counts of the sample channel)
#blkrefi=8042 (initial black intensity reading in counts of the reference channel)
#red_led=230 (power output setting of red LED)
#grn_led=240 (power output setting of green LED)
#blu_led=225 (power output setting of blue LED)
#initflw=1.00 (average flow during initialization)
STAP 9406
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