Fill t he deter gent dispenser w ith deter gen t.
The mar king indicate s the dosing levels , as
illustrate d on the righ t:
P lace the main wa sh c ycle deterge nt h ere.
P lace the pre- was h cy cle d etergen t he re.
Plea se o bserve the m anufact urer s do sing and storage
Recomm endations as stated on the detergent pac kagi ng.
Close the lid a nd press on i t un til it locks int o pl ace.
If the dishes are heavily soiled, place an a dditiona l
detergent do se in the pre-wash detergent chamber. This deter gent will take effe ct during the pre-wash phas e.
Filling the detergent dispenser
inform ation about the amount of detergent for th e single programme on p age 14.
w ill find
Be aware that dep ending on th e so iling of wate r, se tting may be differen t.
Pl ease observe the manufa cturer's recommendations on the detergent packaging.