4. What is carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless and tasteless gas which can barely be
perceived by the human senses. It is generated during the incomplete oxidation
of substances containing carbon, such as wood, charcoal, fuel oil, petrol or gas.
Carbon monoxide kills or harms hundreds of people every year. It binds the
haemoglobin in the blood and reduces the amount of oxygen in the body. In high
concentrations, carbon monoxide can poison a person within minutes.
5. Trigger sensitivity
If the device records increased CO values, an alarm signal sounds and the red LED
starts blinking. At the same time the current CO value is displayed on the display
of the device.
6. Symptoms of CO poisoning
The following symptoms may be related to CO poisoning:
35 ppm
The maximum allowable concentration for continuous exposure of
healthy adults in any 8 hour period.
200 ppm
Slight headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea after 2-3 hours
400 ppm
Frontal headache within 1-2 hours, life-threatening after 3 hours
800 ppm
Dizziness, nausea and convulsions within 45 minutes. Unconsciousness
within 2 hours, Death within 3 hours.
1600 ppm
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 20 minutes. Death within 1
CO concentration
Alarm sound
30 ppm-49 ppm
after 120 min 3 beeps every 2 seconds, interval of
1.5 seconds between 3 beeps
50 ppm-99 ppm
60-90 min
4 beeps every 4 seconds, interval of
1.5 seconds between 4 beeps
100 ppm-299 ppm
10-40 min
4 beeps every 4 seconds, interval of
1.5 seconds between 4 beeps
300 ppm or higher
0-3 min
4 beeps every 2 seconds, interval of
0.8 seconds between 4 beeps