CPB Programming : The cooling proportional band is measured by % of PB with range 1~255. Initially set 100% for
CPB and examine the cooling effect. If cooling action should be enhanced then
, if cooling action is
too strong then
. The value of CPB is related to PB and its value remains unchanged throughout the
self-tuning and auto-tuning procedures.
decrease CPB
increase CPB
CPB Programming : The cooling proportional band is measured by % of PB with range 1~255. Initially set 100% for
CPB and examine the cooling effect. If cooling action should be enhanced then
, if cooling action is
too strong then
. The value of CPB is related to PB and its value remains unchanged throughout the
self-tuning and auto-tuning procedures.
decrease CPB
increase CPB
Adjustment of CPB is related to the cooling media used. For air is used as cooling media, adjust CPB at 100(%).
For oil is used as cooling media, adjust CPB at 125(%). For water is used as cooling media, adjust CPB at 250(%).
DB Programming: Adjustment of DB is dependent on the system requirements. If more positive value of DB (
greater dead band ) is used, an unwanted cooling action can be avoided but an excessive overshoot over the set
point will occur. If more negative value of DB ( greater overlap ) is used, an excessive overshoot over the set point
can be minimized but an unwanted cooling action will occur. It is adjustable in the range -36.0% to 36.0 % of PB1 (
or PB2 if PB2 is selected ). A negative DB value shows an overlap area over which both outputs are active. A
positive DB value shows a dead band area over which neither output is active.
DB Programming: