Lubrication continued...
We use a chain oil lubricant CD90 for lubricating moving parts and GT85 as a water displacement spray for
clearing out clay dust from moving parts and to protect motors, wires and the main spring from damp
Changing fuse on 30amp relay
Position yourself behind the trap looking at the instructions on the control box. All of the Supermatch One
electrics are housed in the control box, sealed with a black plastic bung on the left and right. To change the
fuse on the relay, ease the right hand bung out of the box with a screw driver. You will find the 30 amp
relay just behind the bung. Inspect the relay to see if it has blown & replace if necessary. Reposition the
bung and press to secure.
WJ Bowman
High Street East Markham
Nottinghamshire NG220RE
01777 870243
Thank you for your purchase, please call if you need any help or advice. Your support online would be
much appreciated. Kind Regards Andrew Davidson Managing Director of WJ Bowman (1884) LTD.
Lubricate moving joints on the
wobble base to support movement.