To get the most enjoyment from your Metal Detector, we suggest
you do the following:
Use 9-volt
batteries only.
• Do not use Heavy Duty batteries.
• Do not use ordinary Zinc-Carbon Batteries.
Make sure the right knob is clicked on (i.e. not in
battery-test position).
Use your detector
• Large metal objects inside the home may interfere
with the detector’s operation. Floors and walls of
most homes contain metal.
• Electrical appliances inside the home, like
microwave ovens, televisions, and some light
fixtures, emit electromagnetic energy which can
interfere with the detector’s operation.
• Do not place coins on the floor of your home and
try to detect.
Try this test outside only.
• If conducting an indoor demonstration, hold
searchcoil off ground and wave coins over
Operation in the Field
Sweep the searchcoil from side to side, in slow, overlapping motions.
Keep the searchcoil parallel to the ground.
Keep searchcoil 1/2” off the ground and try not to make contact with the ground.
Try not to lift the searchcoil at the end of your sweeps. This may be difficult for
younger children, but the closer the searchcoil is to the ground throughout the
sweep, the more likely you are to find buried metal objects.
Keep the left knob in the maximum sensitivity setting possible.
Click the right knob on and start searching with it in the fully counterclockwise
You may want to move the right knob during your search, depending on what
you find. For instance, if you start searching with the right knob to the left (but
not in battery test mode), you will detect all types of metal objects. If you find
that you are in a trashy area, and wish to eliminate unwanted objects from
detection, sweep the searchcoil over an undesirable object while turning the
knob. Find the knob setting at which certain types of metals are eliminated, and
adjust your settings accordingly.
Gold rings can be eliminated from detection along with pull-tabs.
Be aware that some desirable objects, like nickels and gold, are
eliminated from detection in the middle of the range. Gold rings have a
metallic signature similar to pull-tabs; nickels have a metallic signature
similar to some newer pull tabs. It requires practice and patience to
understand what types of objects are eliminated at each setting.
Accurate pinpointing takes practice and is best accomplished by “X-ing” the
suspected target area.
Once a buried target is identified by a good tone response, continue
sweeping the coil over the target in a narrowing side to side pattern.
Take visual note of the place on the ground where the “beep” occurs
as you move the coil slowly from side to side.
Stop the coil directly over this spot on the ground.
Now move the coil straight forward and straight back towards you a
couple of times.
Again make visual note of the spot on the ground at which the “beep”
If needed, “X” the target at different angles to “zero in” on the exact
spot on the ground at which the “beep” occurs.
The detector will beep just as the searchcoil passes over the
buried object.
If you have difficulty pinpointing very strong signals, try lifting the coil higher
off the ground until a weaker, but more concise, signal is heard. For very
weak signals, try moving the coil in short quick sweeps, closer to the ground.