Dear Customer,
Discover a delicious and healthier way of cooking with BOSS Delish Oven Toaster
Griller. Enhance your cooking exper se with the high performance BOSS Delish Oven
Toaster Grill featuring the best op ons for you to explore global cuisine with ease! It
comes with a full Stainless Steel Housing, which provides uniform hea ng, thus giving
be er and faster results. Its spacious interiors, together with the largely compact
exterior makes it the right selec on for your kitchen. This OTG's front panel has three
separate dials for element, temperature and mer to give you the ability to select the
perfect se ngs for your dish. With features like Opera on Selector, Ro sserie &
Convec on, BOSS Delish OTG designed to deliver superior performance in the
Please read and follow all the instruc ons given in this user manual carefully, prior to
using your BOSS Delish OTG to get the best result and trouble free opera on.
With Best Wishes,
Thank you for choosing BOSS Delish OTG of which you are now the proud owner.
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efÒe³e ûeenkeÀ, Oev³eJeeo!
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