Before removing your Amplifier, refer to list bellow and follow suggested procedure. Speaker and
their wires be tested first.
No Output:
a, Confirm that all terminal strip connections are firmly connected.
b. Check in-line and built-in fuses. Both "+ 12V" and "RMT" terminals must
have + 12 Volts
chassis ground,
c. Confirm that signal source
[Car Radio/deck. EQ, X-over etc.)
is connected and is supplying
output signal.
To confirm that Amplifier only
[Do not connect the other end of the patch cord].
Briefly tap the
center pin of each
RCA plug on the other
end with your finger.
This should produce a noise
in the speakers.
Only One Channel Works:
a. Confirm that speaker terminal strip connections are firmly connected. b. Check "BALANCE"
control on Car Stereo
(or signal source)
to verify It Is at mid-point. c. If using RCA Low-level Input,
reverse the Input plugs at the Amplifier
(right to left or vice
If the channel that Is silent reverses position, the problem Is In the Car StereofEQ,
or other signal source) or connecting cable.
Weak Output
a. Check Input Sensitivity control adjustment,
Noise in Audio
a. If noise Is a "whine" that goes up and down with engine, confirm that Amplifier and any
other sources unit
(Radio, EQ, X-over etc.). is properly grounded.
b. A "clicking" or "popping"
noise at a rate that follow engine speed is generally Confirm
that the vehicle is equipped with resistor plugs and plug wires. Or, ignition system may
need service. c. Speaker and input wires should not be routed next to wires that interconnect
light and
other accessories/equipment. d, If above steps do not Improve/clear noise Interference, the
system should be checked
by a
professional mobile audio Installer.