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BOSCH Small Appliance Warranty

BSH Home Appliances ("BOSCH") warrants al¡ new small appliances to be free
from original defects in design, materials and workmanship for one (1) year after the
sale to the original owner.

Within the stated warranty period, BOSCH will repair or replace, at its sole option,
any small appliance or parts thereof which prove defective under conditions of
normal use and service at no charge to you. It is the owner's responsibility to return
the appliance for repair. Repaired and replacement small appliances and parts shall
be the same or as cose in appearance as possible to the original for the purposes
of this warranty.

Should you require service of your BOSCH small appliance, please contact customer
service at 1-866-44-BOSCH. Repair of BOSCH appliances Should only be
performed by qualified technicians.

This warranty is limited to the original consumer purchase and is not

transferable. Specifically excluded from this warranty are failures caused by accident,
misuse, neglect, abuse, inciuding tampering, use on a frequency or voltage other
than marked on the product, and use for commercial purposes.

To the extent allowed by law, this warranty sets out your exclusive remedies, whether
for negligence or otherwise. BOSCH will not be liable for any consequential or
incidental damages, losses or expenses. THIS WARRANTY ¡S IN LIEU OF ALL

No attempt to alter, modify or amend this warranty shall be effective unless authorized
in writing by an off icer of BOSCH. Some states do not allow limitations on how
long implied warranties last or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the foregoing limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This
warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state.

BSH Home Appliances Corporation
5551 McFadden Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Web site:

Customer Service (toll free):



Appelez le service-client (gratuit) : 1-866-44BOSCH

Servicio al cliente (libre de cargo): 1-866-44BOSCH

003 TDA2445 UC/09/03


When using your iron, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including
the following:

Read all instructions before using.

Use iron only for its intended use. Do NOT use to melt or seal materials. Iron 

could be permanently damaged.


To protect against a risk of electric shock, do not immerse the 

iron in water or other liquids.

The iron should always be turned to "Off" before plugging or unplugging from 


Never yank cord to disconnect from outlet. instead, grasp plug and pull to 

Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces. Let iron cool completely before 
putting away. Loop cord loosely around iron when storing.

always disconnect iron from electrical outlet. when filling with water or emptying
and when not in use.

Do not operate iron with a damaged cord or if the iron has been dropped or 


To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble the iron. Call customer 

service for assistance if operation problems occur. Incorrect assembly can 
cause a risk of electric shock when the iron is used.

This appliance should not be used by children and care should be taken 
when used near children. Do not leave iron unattended while connected or 
on an ironing board. Ignited materials can cause a fire.


Burns can occur from touching hot metal parts, hot 

water, or steam. Use caution when you turn a steam iron upside down - there 

may be hot water in the reservoir.

Always use a steam iron over an ironing board with a weil-fitted, padded 
cover. Hot steam may condense into hot water and cause burns if not properly
absorbed by a covered and padded ironing board.

Never descale the tank or treat with detergents or solvents, as this would 
cause water to drip from the iron when generating or spraying steam!

Connect and operate the appliance only in accordance with the specifications
on the rating plate.


To avoid a circuit overload, do not operate another high wattage appliance 
(such as a toaster) on the same circuit.

If an extension cord is absolutely necessary, use at least
a 12.5 ampere cord. Cords rated for less amperage may overheat.
Care should be taken to arrange the cord so that it cannot be pulled
or tripped over.



Before using your appliance for the first time

Fill the tank of the ¡ron with tap water.

Set the temperature control to "max".

Plug in the appliance.

When the steam iron has reached the desired
temperature (pilot light goes out), let the 
water create steam by setting the steam 
control to 2 and by repeatedly pressing the 


. When using the steam function for

the first time, do not direct the steam 
towards the laundry, as there could still be 
debris in the steam dispenser.

Using the appliance

The pilot light illuminates while the iron is heating up. As soon as the selected
temperature has been reached, the light goes out. If the iron is already hot, you can
continue ironing while the iron is heating up.

Sort laundry according to the fabric care labels and start at the lowest 
temperature  .


Setting one is the lowest temperature for synthetic fabrics

(no steam output possible)

   Setting two is the medium temperature for silk and wool

(produces continuous steam, when steam button is in steam position)

     Setting three is the highest temperature for cotton and linens

(produces continuous steam, when steam button is in steam position)

Ironing without steam

Set the steam controller to "0".

Rotate the temperature controller to the required
position. If required, use spray.

Filling de tank

Filling the tank


Unplug the iron first!

Use only tap water or tap water mixed with
distilled water if the tap water is hard! Other
liquids will damage the appliance. NEVER
fill above the "max." mark, otherwise the tank
will overflow!

Do not fill the tank above the "max." mark.

Ironing with steam

Set temperature control to "steam" and following
the heating up, set the steam control to 1 or 2.

Set the temperature control to position

  : steam control to 1.

Set the temperature control to position

     or "max": steam control to 2.





Very hard


Water hardness

Mixing ratio of tap
water to distilled


Press the spray button   for a spray of water.

Ironing with steam jet

Set temperature to"max.".

Press button 


repeatedly with

intervals of at least 5 seconds.

Vertical steam feature

Hang article of clothing on a clothes hanger.

Set temperature to "max.".

Operate the iron in a vertical position at a
distance of 4-8 inches.

Press the   button repeatedly with
pauses of at least 5 seconds.

Do NOT iron clothing which is being

After ironing


Unplug the iron first!

Never descale the tank or treat with detergents or solvents, as this  would
cause water to drip from the ¡ron when generating or spraying steam!

Empty the tank:
Set the steam controller to "0" position.
Hold the iron with the tip pointing
downwards and shake gently.

Store the iron upright, not on the

The cord can be wound around the
bottom of the appliance. Do not wrap
the power cord toc, tight!

Cleaning the appliance

Unplug the ¡ron and allow the soleplate
to cool down.

Wipe the housing and soleplate with a
damp cloth only. lf the soleplate is very
dirty, iron a linen cloth soaked in white
vinegar. Then wipe with a clean damp

Do NOT immerse the iron in any liquid.

Additional functions 

(for some models)

Automatic shut off

When the iron is plugged in, the
automatic safety feature carries out
an initial check.
The warning light illuminates
and the iron is heated up for
2 minutes. Thereafter, if the iron
stands upright without being moved
for longer than 8 minutes, or rests
on the soleplate for 30 seconds or
lays on either side for 30 seconds,
the iron is switched off by the
automatic shut off safety feature
and the warning light flashes.
To continue using the iron, shake
it lightly.

anti-calc system

Your iron features an anti-calc
system which reduces
calcification and therefore
increases the service life of the

Drip protection

If the temperature is set too low,
the steam is automatically
switched off to avoid dripping.
There may be an audible click
when this occurs.


Al emplear la plancha a vapor deben observarse siempre las precauciones básicas
de seguridad incluyendo las siguientes:


Use la plancha sólo para la aplicación prevista. NO la utilice para fundir o 
sellar materiales. La plancha puede dañarse de forma permanente.


Para protegerse de descargas eléctricas, no sumerja la plancha 

en agua u otros líquidos.

La plancha debe estar en “OFF” antes de enchufarla o desenchufarla en el 
toma corriente.

Nunca tire del cable para desconectar el enchufe de la red sino. Tome el 
enchufe y tire de él.

No deje que el cable toque superficies calientes. Deje enfriar completamente 
la plancha antes de guardarla. Enrolle el cable alrededor de la plancha sin 
ajustar demasiado.

Desenchufe siempre la plancha de la red al llenar o vaciar el agua y 
cuando no esté en uso.

No haga funcionar la plancha si se la ha dejado caer o está rota o si el cable 
o el enchufe están averiados.

Para evitar el riesgo de descargas eléctricas, no desarme la plancha. Llame 
al servicio autorizado si se presentan problemas en el funcionamiento. Un 
montaje incorrecto aumenta el riesgo de descargas eléctricas al utilizar la 

Los niños no deben usar esta plancha y debe usársela con especial cuidado 
en la cercanía de éstos. No deje la plancha abandonada cuando está prendida
o sobre la tabla de planchar. Puede producirse un incendio debido a materiales




Pueden producirse quemaduras al tocar 

superficies metálicas calientes, agua caliente o vapor. Sea cuidadoso al 
voltear la plancha hacia abajo ya que puede haber agua caliente en el tanque.

Siempre utilice la plancha a vapor sobre una tabla de planchar con una 
cobertura acolchada bien ajustada. El vapor caliente puede condensar en 
agua caliente y causar quemaduras si no es absorbida adecuadamente por 
la cobertura de la tabla de planchar.

No descalcifique el tanque ni trate con detergentes o solventes la plancha 
ya que esto hará que el agua gotee de la plancha al generar vapor!

Conecte y haga funcionar la plancha sólo de acuerdo con las especificaciones
de la chapa de características.


Para evitar la sobrecarga de la línea no deben conectarse en el mismo circuito
donde está la plancha, otros electrodomésticos de gran consumo,


como por ejemplo

un tostador.

Si es imprescindible el uso de un cable prolongador, utilice como mínimo uno de
12,5 amperios. Los que sólo soportan amperajes menores pueden calentarse en
exceso. Debe ponerse especial cuidado al ubicar el cable, a fin de evitar tropezar
o tirar de él.


El artefacto se ha diseñado para un uso

doméstico, no industrial.

Llenar el tanque de la plancha con agua.

Colocar el control de temperatura en “max.”

Enchufar el electrodoméstico.

Una vez que la plancha a vapor ha logrado la

temperatura deseada (la luz piloto se apaga), dejar
que el agua forme vapor, colocando el control de
vapor en 2 y presionando repetidas veces el
botón  .
Cuando se utiliza por primera vez el vapor, no debe
dirigirse el mismo hacia la ropa, ya que el rociador
puede contener desperdicios.

Uso del electrodoméstico

La luz piloto se enciende mientras la plancha se está calentando. Una vez que ha
logrado la temperatura seleccionada, esta luz se apaga. Si la plancha aún está
caliente, puede seguir planchando durante el calentamiento.

Seleccione la ropa de acuerdo a las indicaciones de cuidado de los respectivos

fabricantes, comenzando con aquella de menor temperatura de planchado  .


El punto número 1 es el que debe usarse para la ropa de fibra

sintética (no es posible aquí, el uso del vapor).

    El punto número dos está destinado al planchado de seda y lana

(produce vapor continuamente, si está accionado el botón de vapor).

     El punto número tres es aquél de mayor temperatura, para algodón y lino

(produce vapor continuamente, si está accionado el botón de vapor).

Colocar el control de vapor en “0”.

Girar el selector de temperatura
a la posición necesaria. Si hace falta,
utilícese el rociador.

Antes de usar el electrodoméstico por primera vez

Planchado sin vapor
