Preventing material damage
Preventing material damage
2 Preventing material
Preventing material damage
Harsh chemicals such as bleach-
based products can damage your
Do not use harsh chemicals
such as bleach-based products
to clean your dishwasher.
Unsuitable cleaning products may
damage the appliance.
Do not use a steam cleaner.
So as not to scratch the finish
on the appliance, do not use
sponges with a rough surface
or abrasive cleaning agents.
Escaping water vapor can dam-
age cabinetry.
When the program ends, let the
appliance cool down a bit be-
fore opening the door.
Protect your appliance from the
Protect against freezing to
avoid possible damage to the
fill valve. Damage caused by
freezing is not covered by the
Special salt for dishwashers can
damage the tub due to corrosion.
To make sure that any special
salt that escapes is washed out
of the tub, add the special salt
to the dispenser for special salt
immediately before the pro-
gram starts.
Detergent may damage the water
softening system.
Only fill the dispenser of the
water softening system with
special dishwasher salt.
Environmental protection and energy-saving
3 Environmental
protection and
Environmental protection and energy-saving
3.1 Saving energy
If you follow these instructions,
your appliance will use less power
and water.
Use the Normal program.
The Normal program is energy-
efficient and environmentally
3.2 AquaSensor
The AquaSensor is an optical
measuring device (light barrier)
which measures the turbidity of
the washing water. You can save
water with the AquaSensor.
The operation of the AquaSensor
depends on the selected cycle. If
the soiling level is high, the wash-
ing water is drained off and re-
placed with fresh water. If the soil-
ing level is lower, the washing wa-
ter is used in the next wash cycle,
so reducing water consumption by
3-6 liters. In the Auto cycles the
temperature and run time are ad-
ditionally adjusted to the level of