lished such that a permanent safe electrical connection is ensured. This is al‐
so valid for power, grounding and shield connection.
Power cables
Power cables for motor connection are not in the scope of deliv‐
ery of the motor. Selection and assembly of suitable cables must
be done by the customer.
When selecting cables, please proceed very carefully and ob‐
serve the requirements existing at the installation space of the ca‐
Observe features, like
resistance against coolants and lubricants from machining
compliance of EMC directives
fatigue limit
We recommend to do crimping connections according to IEC
60352-2. Malfunctions or damage due to wrong or improper motor
connection are not in the liability of Bosch Rexroth.
Connection Overview
Cable ducts for power cables
Terminal boxes with cable ducts for motor fan connection (only
available for forced ventilated motors)
Fig. 8-1:
Connection Overview
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth Sytronix FcP 50xx/70xx Motor-Pump Unit MPES2
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01