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IndraControl XFE 01.1
Scheduled maintenance tasks
Bosch Rexroth AG
R911345570, Edition 06
Switch off the 24 V voltage supply for the XMx control and the voltage supply of the extension
Keep the “Reset” button SF2 at the XMx control pressed and switch on the 24 V voltage supply.
If either the display LED “DIA3” or the LED “DIA4” is on at the XMx control, release the “Reset”
button SF2.
If the display LED ON is on at the XMx control, the error is recovered.
If the display LED ON is
on at the control XMx, press the Fallback pushbutton of the CAN
module. Proceed the following step.
Initiate the Fallback mode for the extension modules, whose display LED “ON” is
Keep the “Fallback” pushbutton of the respective module pressed using a plastic pen until the
display LED “ON” is on at the extension module. This loads a backup data set. Release the
“Fallback” pushbutton.
Perform this step for all extension modules, whose display LED “ON” was
on. After com-
pleting that for all extension modules, the display LED “ON” of the XMx control is on.
The XMx control can only start if all connected extension modules started without any errors. If
the LED “ON” is not on at a connected extension module with “Fallback” mode, actively initiate
the “Fallback” mode.
14.1 General maintenance information
Maintenance work in the device is only permitted by trained staff!
If hardware or software components have to be exchanged, please contact
the Bosch Rexroth Service or ensure that only skilled staff changes the
respective components.
14.2 Scheduled maintenance tasks
Include the following tasks into the maintenance schedule:
Check all plug and terminal connections of the components for proper tightness and possible
damage at least once a year
Ensure that cables are not broken or crushed
Replace damaged parts immediately