Store and transport the tool only in the supplied
protective case.
Keep the tool clean at all times.
D o n o t i m m e r s e t h e t o o l i n t o w a t e r o r
other fluids.
Wipe off debris using a moist and soft cloth. Do not use
any cleaning agents or solvents.
Regularly clean the glass surfaces of the laser tool for
finger marks and debris.
If the tool should fail despite the care taken in
manufacturing and testing procedures, repair should be
carried out by an authorized after- sales service center
for Bosch power tools.
I n a l l c o r r e s p o n d e n c e a n d s p a r e p a r t s
o r d e r s , p l e a s e a l w a y s i n c l u d e t h e 1 0 - d i g i t
a r t i c l e n u m b e r g i v e n o n t h e t y p e p l a t e o f
the tool.
In case of repairs, send in the tool packed in its
protective case
Recycle raw materials & batteries instead of disposing of
waste. The unit, accessories, packaging & used batteries
should be sorted for environmentally friendly recycling in
accordance with the latest regulations.
Maintenance and Service