en | Is Access Easy Controller the Correct Choice for Your Client?
Access Easy Controller
Ver 2.0.0 | 2006.07
Hardware Manual
Bosch Security Systems
2.1 No network in place
You arrived here because the customer does not have a network in place. That does not auto-
matically mean that Access Easy Controller is not a viable access control solution.
There are two possible solutions.
The customer can configure an existing non-networked computer to work with Access
Easy Controller by adding a network card and drivers. The configured computer can now
be connected directly to the Access Easy Controller using a crossover type cable.
The customer can purchase a network ready computer and have it configured with a net-
work card and the necessary drivers to work with Access Easy Controller. A basic low-
end computer, such as a Celeron 466 MHz, will be all that is needed to support Access
Easy Controller.
2.2 Network is not an Ethernet network
You arrived here because the customer's network topology is other than Ethernet. Access
Easy Controller will not work on non-Ethernet networks, such as Token-Ring, etc.
Possible solutions:
Most computers can support multiple network adapters. Suggest that the customer
modify the configuration of one or more computers by adding an Ethernet adapter and
configuring Ethernet drivers.
Dedicate a non-networked computer to work with Access Easy Controller. This computer
will need to be configured with an Ethernet adapter and TCP/IP protocol drivers. It can
then be directly connected to the Access Easy Controller using the crossover type cable
provided with the controller.
2.3 No connection point available into the customer's network
You arrived here because there is no way to connect the Access Easy Controller to the cus-
tomer's network. Usually this happens because the network architecture uses coaxial cabling
or thick-net cabling rather than category-5 thin-net cabling. This shortfall can usually be easily
Possible solutions:
The customer's hubs should be checked. Many hubs provide connectors for all three
types of Ethernet cabling. If a hub is found with an available RJ-45 jack, then the Access
Easy Controller can be connected to that jack.
If the network cabling is coaxial type, then a hub with both coaxial and RJ-45 connectors
can be added to the network. A new segment of coax will be needed to be inserted to
link the new hub into the existing network. The Access Easy Controller can then be ter-
minated at any RJ-45 jack on the new hub.