Switching The Vacuum Cleaner OFF:
When the power tool is switched off, the
vacuum cleaner is switched off. In order to
empty the hose, the vacuum cleaner
switches off after a 6 second delay.
If a power tool is connected to the vacuum
cleaner and draws more than 12 amps, the
circuit breaker will trip and shut down the
power supply to the outlet. This will stop
operation of the power tool and stop the
operation of the vacuum cleaner in the
following modes:
• Power Tool Activation
• Pulse-Clean Filter Cleaning Combined
with Power Tool Activation
(The circuit breaker has no affect on the
Normal Vacuuming mode or the regular
PULSE-CLEAN™ Filter Cleaning mode.)
The vacuum cleaner is equipped with the
electromagnetic PULSE-CLEAN™ filter
cartridge cleaning system, which in 10
seconds allows the unit to self-remove dust
that is adhering to the filter cartridge.
Before using the PULSE-CLEAN™ mode,
we suggest to advise those in hearing
range about the sound of this feature.
(when no power tool is plugged in)
1. Turn vacuum cleaner dial to PULSE-
CLEAN™ setting.
2. The filter cleaning process will be
automatically completed within about 10
3. After PULSE-CLEAN™ cycle completes
itself, the vacuum cleaner will become
4. Switch the vacuum cleaner to the OFF or
ON position, as desired.
See PULSE-CLEAN™ notes below.
The PULSE-CLEAN™ system can also be
used when a power tool is connected and
used with the “POWER TOOL
This is very handy
when the location of vacuum cleaner is
separated from the connected power tool,
such as when the tool is being used up on a
1. Plug the power tool into the vacuum
cleaner’s power tool outlet.
2. Turn the vacuum cleaner dial to PULSE-
CLEAN™ setting.
3. The vacuum cleaner goes into the PULSE-
CLEAN™ mode for 10 seconds.
4. After PULSE-CLEAN™ mode is
completed, switch on the power tool, and
the vacuum cleaner will operate until the
power tool is switched off or disconnected
from the vacuum cleaner.
5. At the time the tool is switched off, the
vacuum cleaner will automatically
determine if the filter needs to be cleaned.
If it determines that cleaning is necessary,
the PULSE-CLEAN™ system
automatically activates, the cleaning
process will be completed within about 10
6. After PULSE-CLEAN™ cycle completes
itself, the vacuum cleaner will become
7. Switch the vacuum cleaner OFF, or to
continue working, switch the power tool
on again.
8. If power tool is switched on before the
PULSE-CLEAN™ cycle is complete,
PULSE-CLEAN™ automatically stops and
vacuum cleaner starts to vacuum.
• The sound of the PULSE-CLEAN™
system may surprise those near the work
area. Before using PULSE-CLEAN™, alert
those in the vicinity of the vacuum cleaner
of this feature and the associated sound it
• Any power tool plugged into the vacuum
cleaner’s power tool outlet will receive
power during the PULSE-CLEAN™
modes, as well as the power-tool
activation mode. Don’t keep power tool
plugged into the vacuum cleaner’s power
tool outlet during normal vacuuming.
• The PULSE-CLEAN™ system must be
activated when the suction power
decreases to the point of being
• The PULSE-CLEAN™ system should be
activated regularly to keep the filter
cartridges clean. The proper frequency for
activating the PULSE-CLEAN™ system
depends on the type and amount of dust.
With regular usage, the maximum
vacuuming performance is maintained
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