Calibration checks – every 2 years at the
latest – must be performed by the follo-
wing institutions or persons:
– Manufacturer
– Trade measurements authorities
– Persons who fulfil the requirements of
the legislation governing the operation
of medical devices.
A) Function testing
Function testing of the monitor can
only be carried out on a person or with
a suitable simulator.
B)Testing of Density of Pressure
Pressure Indication
Calibration checks - Testing instructions
(for trained specialist staff only)
1. Remove battery.
2. Hold Start button
pressed and at
the same time insert battery.
3. Release Start button
. The unit now
is ready for testing. The displays of SYS
and DIA now show the actual pressu-
4. Prior to testing the density, open the
battery compartment and take the T-
connector off the unit. Wrap the cuff
around a fixed cylinder and connect it
with the T-connector (without deflati-
on valve) to the pump ball and the
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