Turning your
Pellet Stove
off is a matter of pressing the “Power button on the control panel. The red light
will go out. The blowers will continue to operate until internal firebox temperatures have fallen to the preset level.
A.- Your stove is equipped with a high temperature thermodisc. This safety switch has two functions:
1.- To recognize an overheat situation in the stove and shut down the fuel feed or auger system.
2.- In case of a malfunctioning convection blower, the thermodisc will automatically shut down the auger, preventing
the stove from overheating.
The thermodisc has no reset button and will reset itself once the stove has cooled. BOSCA recommends that
you call your dealer if this occurs as it may indicate a more serious problem and require a service call.
B.- If the combustion blower fails, an air pressure switch will automatically shut down the auger.
Opening the stove door for more than 30 seconds during operation will cause enough pressure change to activate the
air switch, shutting off the fuel feed. Close the door and press the “ON/OFF” button to continue operation of your stove.
BOSCA BOSCA SOUL 700 Pellet Stove
is ready to plug in a thermostat. It must be a millivolt thermostat. To connect
your stove to a thermostat, follow these steps:
Unplug the stove from the power outlet.
Find the white/red wire to connect the thermostat, located at the back of the stove, near the control board.
Plug in the wires of the thermostat.
Plug the stove back into the power outlet.
To switch between any of the three modes, the stove must be shut off, the new mode selected, and the stove restarted.
Manual Mode (Fig. Nº32a)
In this mode, the stove will operate only from the control panel, as detailed in the “OPERATION” section of this manual.
On/Off Thermostat Mode (See Fig. Nº32b)
When set to this mode, the stove will automatically switch between two settings. When warm enough, it will switch to the “1”
or low setting. The room air blower will also slow to its lowest speed. The Heat Level Advance setting on the bar graph will stay
where it was originally set. When the house cools below the thermostat setting, the stove will switch to the feed rate of the heat
level advance setting.
High/Low Thermostat Mode (See Fig. Nº32c)
In this mode when the home is warm enough, the stove will shut off. The fans will continue to run until the stove cools. When
the home cools below the thermostat setting, the stove will automatically restart and run at the last feed rate setting.
fig. Nº32 a
fig. Nº32 b
fig. Nº32 c