your efforts will have been wasted. This is why it is important that you safeguard the storage
conditions. The wood must be stored in an isolated location so that it is not exposed to rain and
receives adequate air circulation. Under no circumstance must it be in contact with the ground
unless it is paved.
How can I recognize dry firewood before buying it?
- The logs are lighter.
- The bark must be partially detached and have cracks on the ends.
- It must not have white or grey spots.
- When you bend a small splinter with your fingers, it breaks.
How do I check that the firewood is dry before using it?
Place a log in your stove over a large quantity of cinders and check for the following:
Dry Firewood:
ignites on more than one side in minutes.
Humid Firewood:
turns grayish-black and takes time to ignite.
Wet Firewood:
emits a whistle sound, blackens, does not produce a flame and emits a large
quantity of smoke.
How do I light the stove? (Easy Lighting System)
- 5 -
4. Light the fire and close the upper door of
the stove.
5. Open the door of the ashtray and keep it
this way for approximately 3 minutes or until
the splinters are lit.
6.- Open the upper door and add the load
of firewood, placing the lightest logs over
the lit splinters. It is very important that spaces
are left between the logs as these allow for
air circulation and consequently a faster and
more vigorous ignition.
7.- Close the door and open the lower one
again so as to increase the aeration of the
combustion chamber. Leave it open for a
period of about 5 minutes or until the
firewood is lit.
Wet firewood is NOT apt for use
The first time the stove is lit the high temperature paint on it will
smoke and emit a resin smell for some hours. Open the windows
to ventilate.
1. Check that the temperer is in its place,
if this is not so locate it in the correct position
as indicated on page 7.
2. Place crumpled paper in the middle of
the firebox.
3. Place various split logs over the paper
and some splinters on top of this, preferably
in a vertical position. Set the Primary Air
Control on “maximum”.
Paper and splinters
light in 1 to 5 minutes.
Ashtray is open
Initial Mound
Splinters and
Ashtray door
is closed
Definite load
Full combustion
Firewood Load