How do I know when the thermostat dial is at zero
See page 18 for diagram
Why am I getting smoke into my room every time I refuel
This is due to a low draught issue with the chimney
You need to get a draught reading done on your chimney by an accredited chimney specialist
A chimney specialist can recommend a draught stabiliser to help with your draught
Other factors may be: position of the house, if the house is situated on an elevated site, if the house is
surrounded by high trees etc
See page 33 for guidelines
I’ve had a stove installed before and this was never an issue
Is the opening on the current stove larger than the previous stove – the issue would not have been identified
with a smaller stove
A stove will only highlight the issue, not create it, an accredited chimney specialist can take a draught reading
to assess the draught on the chimney and advise accordingly
What is the recommended chimney draught reading for a Boru Stove
All Boru Stoves are certified with a draught reading of 12-14 pascals
Where the draught exceeds this a draught stabiliser must be installed
Why is the stove not heating my water & radiators
Check with an accredited heating specialist if the stove has been installed correctly and as per guidelines set
out in this manual
All Boru Stoves boiler model stoves are designed to heat water once installed correctly into a suitable heating
system, guidelines set out in this manual must be followed along with the use of suitable fuel
Check that the certified output meets the requirements of your heating system
What size stove do I require
This will solely depend on the amount of radiators you need to heat and the area in which the stove will be
A double radiator is counted as two radiators so confirmation with an accredited heating specialist before
installing your stove is essential.
Does my chimney need to be lined
Contact an accredited chimney specialist to assess the condition of your chimney and confirm it adheres to
Building Regulations and guidelines set out in this manual
See page 9-11 for guidelines
Can I light my stove if the pipes are frozen
NEVER light the stove if the pipes are frozen, there is no way of confirming if there is enough water in the
Do not light until pipes have naturally thawed out